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critical evaluation中文是什么意思

用"critical evaluation"造句"critical evaluation"怎么读"critical evaluation" in a sentence


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  • A more critical evaluation of pesticides in this regard, particularly newer compounds, is advisable .
  • What steps should a historian take in the critical evaluation of archival sources
  • The company founded by bruce schneier and tom rowley ; holds ferguson and schneier s critical evaluation of ipsec among much other useful information
    ,该公司由bruce schneier和tom rowley创办;拥有ferguson和schneier对ipsec的批评性评估,以及许多其它有用信息
  • The value of the version of yue ' s works that identified him as the author receives a positive evaluation but the version whose authorship was anonymous receives a critical evaluation
    结论认为, 《四库提要》内容素质参差,反映了官家编纂项目缺乏一致性的毛病,而撰写提要的馆臣,往往因其所持之特殊观点或立场,影响到对于一书的客观评价。
  • It is significant that qualitative studies have revealed that repeated contact with services may bring more information , experience and knowledge , which leads to a more informed and critical evaluation of the service 55 , 23
    很明显的,定性研究揭示了重复接触的医疗服务可以带来更多的资讯经验和知识,衍生较多的医疗服务讯息与较严格的评估55 , 23 。
  • As data are accumulated and analysis continues , ongoing critical evaluation of this staging system will undoubtedly incorporate new evidence - based factors and bring about future refinements to prostate cancer staging
  • These include physician computer literacy skills , writing and presentation skills , critical evaluation of the literature , study design , biostatistics , epidemiology , issues related to diagnosis and the ordering and interpretation of clinical tests , decision analysis , cost - effectiveness analysis , and decision psychology
用"critical evaluation"造句  


  • critical evaluation 意味
  • critical evaluationとは意味厳しい批評{ひひょう} I hope my critical evaluation would make him more confident in presenting his report. 私が厳しく批評したことで、彼がもっと自信を持ってレポートの発表ができるといいのだけど。
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